Recently I came across a facebook group:
Stop Barack Hussein Obama: (One Million Strong AGAINST Obama)
Seriously people, if John McCain's middle name was Mother Teresa or Gandhi or Jesus, that wouldn't make him any more viable as a presidential candidate. Why does Barack Obama's name make him less viable. Because he sounds Irish? Now to those who say "We're simply using his full name, stop being so sensitive, it's not an attack." PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES! Do you honestly think you're fooling anybody except the idiots you're galvanizing against the "anti-American, muslim, unpatriotic, flag-hating Democratic presidential candidate"? The fact that the McCain camp is pandering to people who are swayed by the preceeding leads me to believe the only votes John McCain thinks he can win are those from the rednecks and the criminally insane. Seriously, did I miss the Bullshit Meter recall? Does anybody else smell a steaming pile? Anybody? Hello...o...o...o......
Ugh...why can't we have a political campaign about the ISSUES? You know: Obama wants to give you a break on your taxes if you're poor or middle-class, McCain wants to lower your taxes if you're a corporation*. That kind of thing. Not the hate-mongering via soundbite. That sells newspapers, but does it really help us select the candidate who's gonna be best for the country?
Why do we have to call Michelle Obama unpatriotic because of a phrase extracted from a heartfelt comment about her newfound pride over the amazing recent progress in this country**? In context, her message is powerful and moving. But the spin machine would have us believe she's a bitch who has hated America for two and a half decades. Unbelievably, Cindy McCain bought into it as well, repeatedly declaring that she's always been proud of her country. How can anyone with a conscience take another's statements out of context and use it to further their own agenda? And worse, how can America support a political regime that routinely does just that? If someone is going to distort the truth (i.e. 2004's Swiftboat ads and McCain's current "The World's Biggest Celebrity" ads) can we really trust their campaign promises?
I suppose politics isn't about issues. It's not about right and wrong. It's about selling a candidate to gain power. Period.
But Obama seems to be different. He not only talks about change, he acts accordingly. In a system where political contributions from special-interest groups make up so much of campaign funding, he's sold his campaign to the people, refusing to accept funds from the traditional (and corrupt) sources. In an election year when McCain supporters use out-of-context soundbites, and nonsensical references to Obama's middle name to play on the irrational fears of those who are fooled by this kind of crap, Obama chooses not to build an attack campaign on Cindy McCains battles with drug addiction***. Change? Obama doesn't just represent change, he IS change.
So yeah, if you're gonna buy into the same lies and distortions we've been seeing from the Republican party, go ahead and vote for John Mussolini Dahmer Hitler McCain****. Just don't be surprised when he becomes a fascist dictator who exterminates people then eats them.
*I'm not making those facts up...I just pulled them off the respective Obama and McCain websites...but go check for yourself.
**I just looked the clip up on Fox, and they actually edited a word out (link) which resulted in people repeatedly misquoting her based on their edit! If this is the kind of country we live in, I'm definitely not proud of it. But I AM proud of the hope Obama offers.
***Frankly, the fact that Cindy McCain felt it necessary to repeat how proud she's ALWAYS been of her country over and over makes me a lot more uncomfortable than the fact that she's a recovering drug addict. I think it's pretty amazing that she's got her addiction under control and pretty infantile that she would buy into (and perpetuate) the idea that Michelle Obama is unpatriotic because for the first time in her adult life she's actually proud of a country that would overcome years of hatred and prejudice to put her husband (and his hope for this nation) where he is today.
****That's his real name. I swear. He just has the middle names printed in really small letters.
Dear Readers,
I hate to do this to you on Christmas day, but it must be done...I'm sorry
to inform you that after only a short run of 6 posts, my Advice Bl...
16 years ago
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