In trying to find the right words, I recalled an e-mail conversation (or twelve) I had with Lisa a couple years ago during a unit on hate crimes in a theatre literature class I was taking. I didn't find the e-mails I was looking for. But I did find a plethora of thoughtful, entertaining, deeply moving, and goofy exchanges between me and my best friend. All I can say is thank God for the blessing of friendship. In all the randomness of our daily interaction with the other people bouncing around the world, who could guess that a couple lunatics who irritated each other in a cinder block bank drive-thru would, eight years later, be best friends. I think the demotivator says it best:

Thanks Lisa.
As for hate crimes...I'll have to blog about that tomorrow.
1 comment:
I'm thinking I remind you of hate crimes, due to my intense hatred towards others. Whatever the case, I was touched by the post.
I marvel that you and I are so close today, considering our beginnings. If someone had told me that you and I would be this close...I would have thought the exhaust fumes from the drive-up were contaminating their brain.
Punishment or not, you were definitely meant to be my best friend.
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